Why Learn About Web Accessibility

The Business Case for Web Accessibility

Video: The Business Case for Accessibility by The Chang School

Karl Groves wrote an interesting series of articles in 2011 and 2012 that looked at the reality of business arguments for web accessibility. He points out that any argument needs to answer affirmatively at least one of the following questions:

  1. Will it make us money?
  2. Will it save us money?
  3. Will it reduce risk?

He outlines a range of potential arguments for accessibility:

  • Improved search engine optimization: Customers will be able to find your site more easily because search engines can index it more effectively.
  • Improved usability: Customers will have a more satisfying experience, thus spend more on or return more often to your site.
  • Reduced website costs: Developing to standard reduces bugs and interoperability issues, reducing development costs and problems integrating with other systems.
  • People with disabilities have buying power: They won’t spend if they have difficulty accessing your site; they will go to the competition that does place importance on accessibility.
  • Reduced resource utilization: Building to standard reduces use of resources.
  • Support for low bandwidth: If your site takes too long to load, people will go elsewhere.
  • Social responsibility: Customers will come if they see you doing good for the world and you think of people with disabilities as full citizens.
  • Support for aging populations: Aging populations also have money to spend and will come to your site over the less accessible, less usable competition.
  • Reduced legal risk: You may be sued if you prevent equal access for citizens/customers or discriminate against people with disabilities.

What accessibility really boils down to is “quality of work,” as Groves states. So, in approaching web accessibility, one may be better off not thinking so much in terms of reducing the risk of being sued or losing customers because your site takes too long to load, but rather that the work you do is quality work and the website you present to your potential customers is a quality website.

If you’d like to learn more about business cases, here are a few references:

Suggested Reading:


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Introduction to Web Accessibility Copyright © 2019 by The Chang School, Toronto Metropolitan University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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